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How do you know if he’s Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong?

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Voted #1 Best Dating Book for 2013, Love is Blind Only if You Are: A Woman’s Clear-Headed Guide to Deliberate Dating by award-winning transformational author Debra Kunz, helps you see the whole relationship process differently.

In our quest for love, we’re all prone to common mistakes like the relentless pursuit of Mr. Perfect, continuing to date Mr. Jerk, or settling for Mr. He’ll Do. 

This powerful, fun and comprehensive guide creates laughter, support, and self-awareness, and inspires a new perspective on yourself and how you define Mr. Right.

Before you go out on another date, open your eyes and discover:

> How to know if he’s Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong.  
> Learn the 15 signs of trouble and how to spot them.  
> How to use this knowledge to date smarter.

Connect with Debra on and Twitter, @DateDeliberate.