Dealing with Rejection in Dating

Dealing with rejection in dating is one of the biggest fears of the process. We don’t like the thought that no one will want us, or they will want us for a while and then suddenly decide they don’t want us anymore. Plus, we may be worried about rejecting someone else, knowing the hurt it causes and not wanting to do that to anyone.

Easy for Me to Say

Let’s expand your perspective about the experience. I can’t change the fact that it’s painful for you, let’s just start there. What I can do is help you recognize that if he isn’t interested in you, isn’t it better that he say so and allows you to move on instead of stringing you along or just flat out using you? I know, easy for me to say, especially if the rejection is still fresh.

Rejection is Protection

I was talking with some friends recently about dealing with rejection and they reminded me of a saying. I’m not sure of the source so please comment if you know. It goes like this, “rejection is protection.”  Take that in for a minute since it certainly doesn’t feel like that at the time. Dealing with rejection in dating is hurtful and disappointing. The emotions in the moment keep us from considering that rejection just might be protecting us from a situation or relationship that is not good for us in the first place.

Try This for Dealing with Rejection in Dating

I invite you to take a deep breath… and take another… and one more. Now, think of a time you were rejected – could be in your love life or your professional life actually – what would have happened if that mismatched relationship or situation had continued? I know, it can take some digging to see that there may be a silver lining, though this reflection may help you when you are dealing with rejection in dating.

I have to say in my own life that there are definitely times when rejection was protection for me. Looking back on scenarios where things didn’t go like I wanted, I discovered it was a blessing in disguise even though it definitely did not feel like it at the time.

Next Time

The next time you are interested in a man and he does not share your interest, consider that rejection just might be protection for you too. You already know it’s only a match when you both feel it.

Date Deliberately,


P.S. If you are ready to find love, check out my 5 Ways to Make Your Resolution to Find Love a Reality.

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