What Scares Me Most About Dating

These four situations can keep you from finding your Mr. Right, or you can work through each one and find him sooner. I’m Not a Supermodel Men and women of all sizes, heights, and shapes meet, date, fall in love, have great relationships and even long and happy marriages. You don’t have to be a…

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In the Beginning – Is he lying or is it none of your business?

If you have some dating experience, or even if you are still testing the waters, you might reach the point where you get tired of the slow pace of the process and want to speed things up. This is especially true if you’ve taken time to know yourself, figured out your deal breakers, and identified…

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Dating Frustrations

It never ceases to amaze me how those who want honesty from the people they date, and this goes for men and women, aren’t necessarily honest themselves. They want it from you because they know it makes their life easier, but do they actually offer it to the person they say they care about? Not…

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Gifts and Dating During the Holidays

Dating during the holidays is all about expectations. Are you interested in him enough to take the time to get him a gift? Is he interested enough in you to take the time to get you a gift? If you’ve only been on a few dates with him, don’t expect a big gift or a…

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So You Say You’re Ready to Date

She declares she wants to move on and announces she’s ready to date. She states all the “right” things like “I have standards” and “I won’t settle” and “I am a busy woman who works hard and has hobbies and friends…” which she means “I have a life.” I heard the words she used, but…

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