When Good Still Isn’t Mr. Right

You might discover a man who is good, kind, and decent… and he still isn’t the right one. This is a difficult situation for your head and your heart, though it is an example of knowing yourself, trusting your instincts and your decisions, and having the courage to use your standards. This happened to me. I…

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“But… He’s Different!” – Part 2 of Your Cinderella Head is Showing

I’m guessing “But… He’s Different!” may have escaped your lips at some point. Maybe even with a tilt of your head and hope in your eyes. If you were reading last week’s post, you learned about the programming few women escape that I’ve named Cinderella Head. Well, our Cinderella Head creates the “But… He’s Different!” condition. I’ve heard…

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Are You a Cinderella Head? – Part 1

Few women escape the programming that starts at the beginning of our lives: be a princess and wait for prince charming to come and rescue us. What we’re being rescued from is still a mystery, though I am certainly a product of that belief, and those experiences. The programming issues surface as they translate into…

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What Was I Thinking???

Let’s say you stuck to your Deal Breakers and gave him a chance. Well, that’s assuming you know what your Dating Deal Breakers are. And… well… you stuck to them except for the one Deal Breaker you decided to make an exception about… and didn’t tell your friends about… because you knew they would call…

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Top 5 Tips to Finding Mr. Right – TV Interview on Fox

Fox News in Kansas City invited me in today to share my “Top 5 Tips to Finding Mr. Right,” and featured my book “Love is Blind Only if You Are: A Woman’s Clear-Headed Guide to Deliberate Dating” as part of a Valentine’s Day story. It was so much fun being interviewed by Kim Byrnes! Click to…

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