You Can’t Date Successfully Without This

Dating success takes a lot of things. You’ve probably already experienced many of them like being willing to take a risk, having a first date outfit that makes you feel like superwoman, figuring out a way to manage your nerves, and allowing the possibility that you will find Mr. Right for You.

On top of all of that, plus everything else I discuss in my blog, weekly dating tips emails, and my book…. There is one absolute, non-negotiable requirement, and if you don’t have it, dating won’t be any fun at all.

Without further ado, this life requirement is a sense of humor. Actually, it’s the ability to laugh at yourself, and to laugh with your date when something funny or unexpected happens. If you always approach the dating process with stern seriousness and no room for error, and forget you are dealing with imperfect humans, you will always be upset when things don’t work out, and beat yourself up over something you coulda, woulda, shoulda done differently.

Yes, learn from your experiences, but don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you stop enjoying the process. Allow yourself to make mistakes, say something stupid, spill your drink, or even knock his over into his lap. Maybe you even break a dish at the restaurant, get the movie times wrong, or mess up on the driving directions and find yourselves lost in your own city.  It’s all part of learning about each other, with the added bonus of getting a truly unvarnished look at how you approach life.

A sense of humor is on every person’s dating standards list so remember to use yours!

Date Deliberately,


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