Your Pet Might Have Better Dating Standards Than You Do

Fellow animal lovers, our pets are a good barometer for the quality of the men we choose to date. This story came to mind as I was listening to a woman share a pet (dogs and cats) story with me recently.

Many years ago, every time a man I was dating at the time was sitting on my couch, my cat just sat in the middle of the living room floor and starred at him. Then, my cat gave me the look of, “Really!?! This guy? We can do so much better.”

Apparently, my pet didn’t agree with the Cinderella Head moment I was having and trying to convince myself that this guy was a match for me. Finally, one evening, my cat didn’t just glare at him, he glared, howled and stomped off. Even my date noticed that.

Eventually reality hit and I added up the numerous reasons we weren’t a match plus the multiple problems in the relationship, and I snapped out of my Cinderella Head fog. We broke up and I felt like a giant weight was lifted from my life.

The scariest part is how dangerously close I came to settling for a relationship that was far less than what I deserve, let alone what I want. Actually, it was that relationship that inspired my term Cinderella Head in the first place.

Date Deliberately,


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