Are your Relationship Goggles keeping you from finding him?

Relationship Goggles are more blinding than beer goggles given relationships goggles blind you to more than his appearance. Relationship goggles means you’re viewing the next guy based on the last one, and measuring the next relationship based on the failures of the last. It’s not fair to him, or to you.

If you make a list of what you want in the next man and the first things on your list are all the issues with the last guy, I caution you to reconsider if you’re ready to date. (Could be the grumble you made when you wrote them down that tipped me off.) You may think you are ready, though emotionally you aren’t quite there and are blinded by your relationship goggles. Until you’re ready to move on with a clean slate, perhaps you should do some more work on yourself first.

It’s a matter of knowing yourself, taking off the relationship goggles of your past, defining what’s important to you, and choosing a man who is worthy of a chance. You see what you look for so if you believe every man is scum, you’ll only see the ones who are. And, you’ll only choose the ones who are scum because you can’t see any other options. The reality is there are good men everywhere and when you stop seeing them through the lens of your past, you’ll discover they are all around you.

Date Deliberately,


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