Dating Choices – Let It Be This Simple

When you are figuring out who to date, and determining your dating standards, choose a man who is looking for the same type of relationship you are. If he wants something casual and you don’t, it’ll be a bumpy road while you or he tries to convince the other one to change or you’ll both…

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How Many Chances Does He Get?

Mistakes are part of being human though where’s the line between messing up, being misleading, and flat out deception? How many chances does he get with you? Inadvertent miscommunication is one thing, intentionally misleading you is quite another. Knowing the difference is both an art and a science though the primary key is paying attention….

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Does He Have the “Right” Package?

Have you ever heard the expression, “the right man doesn’t always come in the right package.” The woman who asked me about this phrase was very concerned because she found a man she liked who didn’t really meet her idea of who she thought she “should” be with. He didn’t have the “right” job and…

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What’s a Dating Deal Breaker?

Your deal breakers are things required for you to be interested in someone. This isn’t your list of things you’d “like to have” or even “must have.” This is the list that’s truly so essential you’d automatically pass on someone who didn’t meet them. Yep – I said automatically pass. How many deal breakers you…

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Dating Dilemma: It’s Complicated.

Dating can be complicated. Actually, dating is complicated, and becomes more complicated the older we get and the more life experience and potential baggage we carry. Often, it’s complicated because we’ve created problems, or assumed there are problems, where none really exist. Here are some “it’s complicated” examples: >You choose someone to date you know…

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