Date Smarter Using Your Head with Your Heart

It’s so easy to get caught up in the romance of him… his smile, how he smells, how those jeans fit him, the nice things he whispers in your ear, the flowers he sent, and even the way he apologizes when he keeps promising things he doesn’t deliver on. This heart centered intoxication is dreamy, passionate and fun, though have you even noticed if he is living a lifestyle you want to be part of? Have you noticed if he has similar values to yours? What are his priorities and are you one of them?

You are on the right track of choosing a contender for Mr. Right for You when you are ready to look beyond the superficial stuff and consider his character, soul and beliefs. No man is perfect and neither are you. This is about choosing someone who deserves you and who you like. Not just love. You have to like him and want to spend time around him. Liking him comes from your head, loving him comes from your heart.

The feelings in your heart speak to the chemistry between you and the budding connection. That’s only one part of Choosing Who Gets a Chance (More about that in a prior post). The purpose of a standards list is to make sense of your heart – meaning what your head is telling you about his character, how he treats you now and how he’ll treat you later. So if you need him, will he be there for you or at a ballgame he wouldn’t think of leaving?

Making decisions with your head and your heart means you’re choosing with common sense from your head and the feelings from your heart.

Date Deliberately,


P.S.  Making sense of  your heart is a process. I guide you through it in Chapter 7 of my book, Love is Blind Only if You Are.

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