What’s a Dating Deal Breaker?

Your deal breakers are things required for you to be interested in someone. This isn’t your list of things you’d “like to have” or even “must have.” This is the list that’s truly so essential you’d automatically pass on someone who didn’t meet them. Yep – I said automatically pass. How many deal breakers you…

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Dating Dilemma: It’s Complicated.

Dating can be complicated. Actually, dating is complicated, and becomes more complicated the older we get and the more life experience and potential baggage we carry. Often, it’s complicated because we’ve created problems, or assumed there are problems, where none really exist. Here are some “it’s complicated” examples: >You choose someone to date you know…

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What Does He Get When He Pays?

The first date scenario went like this. They met at the movie theater and he paid for the show for both of them. Given they didn’t meet for coffee or lunch or even dinner first, there was zero conversation before sitting in a dark theater together. (No, I don’t recommend only going to the movies…

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You Can’t Date Successfully Without This

Dating success takes a lot of things. You’ve probably already experienced many of them like being willing to take a risk, having a first date outfit that makes you feel like superwoman, figuring out a way to manage your nerves, and allowing the possibility that you will find Mr. Right for You. On top of…

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Are your Relationship Goggles keeping you from finding him?

Relationship Goggles are more blinding than beer goggles given relationships goggles blind you to more than his appearance. Relationship goggles means you’re viewing the next guy based on the last one, and measuring the next relationship based on the failures of the last. It’s not fair to him, or to you. If you make a…

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