Are your Relationship Goggles keeping you from finding him?

Relationship Goggles are more blinding than beer goggles given relationships goggles blind you to more than his appearance. Relationship goggles means you’re viewing the next guy based on the last one, and measuring the next relationship based on the failures of the last. It’s not fair to him, or to you. If you make a…

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When Good Still Isn’t Mr. Right

You might discover a man who is good, kind, and decent… and he still isn’t the right one. This is a difficult situation for your head and your heart, though it is an example of knowing yourself, trusting your instincts and your decisions, and having the courage to use your standards. This happened to me. I…

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Date Smarter Using Your Head with Your Heart

It’s so easy to get caught up in the romance of him… his smile, how he smells, how those jeans fit him, the nice things he whispers in your ear, the flowers he sent, and even the way he apologizes when he keeps promising things he doesn’t deliver on. This heart centered intoxication is dreamy,…

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Dating Safety – Ask for a Security Call

This isn’t such a fun dating topic, but it is extremely important. Your personal security during the dating process absolutely deserves your focus. The general rules of safety and awareness we women follow every day don’t go away because you are out on a date. The added complication is being on a date potentially puts…

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Chameleon Syndrome: Are you trying to impress or trying to connect?

Being a little nervous when you first start dating someone is simply being human. The problem is when you are so nervous, scared and worried about dating (or your life) that your sole focus is trying to impress him and be liked. You mold yourself to become what you think he wants, share tales of your life…

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